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In this post I’d like to share a recent incompatibility issue I had during an SSIS Project with Visual Studio 2017.
I was working with an Azure VM and using SSDT Visual Studio 2017. One day I open the SSIS package I utilized for my ETL and the project is incompatible. Ok, so now what do I do? I attempt to repair and about half way through the repair fails on me.
Naturally, the next step I could do would be to uninstall and reinstall, but I suggest if this happens you should give a couple other ideas a try which could save you the headache on doing an uninstall/reinstall.
One thing you can try is to go into the solution and right click it and select resolve errors – sometimes resolve errors works, sometimes it doesn’t. Another thing to try would be to go to Tools and in Extensions and Updates the window that pops up should show you what’s installed.
For SSDT, the SSIS, SSAS and SSRS, should all be enabled. But when the package is incompatible, the SSIS is generally disabled. I’ve also seen instances where if you try to open the package it tells you that some type of assembly is missing as well. So, it’s not just an incompatible package; sometimes it tries to open and shows you Microsoft.datawarehouse is assembly is missing or something like that.
With this issue you could also go into Tools/Extensions and Updates and see the SSIS package is disabled which could cause this issue.
So, make sure you enable SSIS and when you go over to the incompatible project, you right click on the project and reload it. This should reload all the packages that you had in the solutions explorer and that should get you back on your way with your ETL process on an Azure VM.
I hope this post was helpful if you come across compatibility issues with an Azure VM. If you have questions on this or anything Azure related, we are the people to talk to. Click the link below or contact us—we’re here to help you, no matter where you are on your Azure journey.
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