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What's Going on in March?

What's Going on in March?

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The past few months have flown by and spring is right around the corner! Our busy team has kept the momentum going, offering a new On-Demand Training course; multiple live training opportunities across the nation; virtual workshops and webinars; Hackathon events to give you hands-on experience building and configuring multiple Azure data products; and a new software release that fixed several bugs within our software products, updated multiple features and added new ones like the LegiTest recipes feature. Keep reading to get updated on the latest news in our training, consulting and software departments!


NEW on-demand training course!

Administering Business Intelligence

When a Business Intelligence developer gets a hold of other ‘cool’ features provided in Standard or Enterprise Edition of SQL Server, then the range of knowledge a DBA has needs to keep up with developers. The administrator should understand what is needed to help debug and maintain the features used in their enterprise IT systems. 

Learn More About This Course

BI Quick Start BOOT CAMP

March 5-9, 2018 - Atlanta, GA

Pragmatic Works’ BI Boot Camp provides a hands-on lab environment. In five days, you will build a fully functional prototype data warehouse using SQL Server 2012/2014/2016, along with the complete Microsoft BI Platform: SSIS, SSAS, SSRS and Power BI.

Register for BI Quick Start Boot Camp

half day Data modeling workshop

March 8, 2018 - Virtual

This half-day workshop is designed to teach the foundation of creating effective data models. This course covers two separate modeling techniques: transactional systems and dimensional modeling. The goal of this course is to teach students how to build a well designed data model, the foundation for supporting the day-to-day operational activities of an organization, and provide analytical value through Business Intelligence.

Register for Data Modeling Workshop


March 6, 2018 - Introduction to Windowing Functions in SQL Server - Performance and PracticalityBenjamin Sigursteinsson

March 13, 2018 - Delivering Power BI to the Enterprise, Jean Hayes

March 14, 2018 - From Package Palaver to Package Paradise, Oliver Bowie and Philip de la Cal 

We offer free virtual webinars every Tuesday at 11 a.m. (EST). Whether you’re just starting out on your BI journey or looking to master your skills, we have the training and resources to meet all your needs.

Register for This Month's Free Webinars

Dashboard in a day EVENTS

March 22, 2018 - Minneapolis, MN 

Want to learn how to use Power BI Dashboard in your own environment? How about learning it for free? Pragmatic Works is now offering a free Dashboard in a Day Event in cities around the country!

Register for a Dashboard in a Day Event Near You

How I Used Pragmatic Works' TRaining to Pass the Power BI 70-778 Certification

Learn how you can use the Power BI training offered by Pragmatic Works to prepare for the Microsoft certification exam 70-778 for Power BI called Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power BI.

Learn More About Power BI Training

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Our Hackathon Events are Coming to You!

Get hands-on experience building and configuring multiple Azure data products with Pragmatic Works, Microsoft’s premier partner for cloud, data and analytics.

In these Hackathons, we will walk through a customer digital transformation scenario using an all Azure architecture. This interactive event will require you to work in a team. You’ll want your team to come out on top, because the winners will get an amazing prize!

March 8, 2018 - New York, NY

March 15, 2018 - Boston, MA

March 21, 2018 - Tampa, FL

March 22, 2018 - Houston, TX



Our developers have been working hard to fix bugs within our software products and create exciting features like the new LegiTest recipes feature which allows you to build tests in a few seconds that would have taken hours before. Click the link below for full release notes which includes all fixes, as well as new and updated features.


In a recent webinar, Pragmatic Works CEO, Brian Knight, talked about common recipes for success with data testing in production and development using our new LegiTest recipes feature. We created these recipes in LegiTest to give you the ability to build tests in a few seconds that would have taken hours before. Data testing allows you to build trust in your data and reports.


This demo looks at a fun application for REST, using the site Yelp. Perhaps you’re looking for new consumer facing customers or maybe you just want to craft a great list of restaurants for your co-workers for a company party or maybe just for you and your family. This quick walkthrough of configuring your REST component will show you just how easy it is.


Here, we take a look at using the REST Source inside of Task Factory to connect to a tool that can be used for customer lists, tables, and more; Google Sheets.


LegiTest can serve the entire SQL stack, from SQL Server to SSIS, SSAS, SSRS and more! In this demo, I’ll show you how easy it is to build a test using the SSRS Report Execution Wizard. 


In this demo, we'll compare data between two environments. When you look at data coming from your dev server to your QA server, or your QA server to your production server, for instance, you want to ensure that as data moves from one to the other that it’s accurate. With LegiTest, it’s quick and easy to build out a solution. 

You can follow us on our social platforms like Twitter and Facebook to stay updated on daily events and happenings throughout the month. Stay on top of the latest in Pragmatic Works' news by subscribing to our blog!

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