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What it does?

Counts the number of rows in the specified column that contain non-blank values.




A whole number.

What is the COUNT Function?

The COUNT function in DAX is like your party planner at a gathering—it counts up all the people (or items) in a list to give you a grand total. Whether you’re tallying attendees at an event or the number of products sold, COUNT is your go-to tool for getting that essential number!

Example 1: Concert Craze

Imagine you’re organizing a concert and need to know how many ticket types were sold. Here’s how your ticket sales data might look:

Tickets Table

Ticket Type

Tickets Sold

General Admission




Backstage Pass


To find out how many ticket types were sold in total, you’d use the COUNT function like this:

Total Ticket Types Sold = COUNT(Tickets[Tickets Sold])

So how many tickets did you sell? 

Total Tickets Sold:

  • General Admission: 120
  • VIP: 45
  • Backstage Pass: 15

That’s a total of 3 ticket types counted! 🎤


Example 2: Library Loan Count

Picture this: you manage a library, and you want to find out how many books were checked out last month. Your check-out records might look like this:

Book Loans Table

Book Title

Times Checked Out

The Data Gatsby


To Analyze a Mockingbird


All Quiet on the Data Front


Pride and Data


To find out how many books were checked out, you’d use the COUNT function on the Times Checked Out column:

Total Types of Booked Checked Out = COUNT(Book Loans [Times Checked Out])

So, how many times were books checked out? Remember, this function counts the number of non-blank values in the Times Checked Out column. That's a total of 4 counts for checked-out books! 📚

Conclusion: Count It Up!

The COUNT function in DAX is your reliable partner for getting a quick tally, whether it’s tickets at a concert, books in a library, or any other list you can think of. With just a simple function, you can transform data into useful insights and enhance your reports!

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start counting! 🥳