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Do you want to learn best practices for Backup and Recovery? Watch this recent webinar presented by Consultant and Sr. DBA, Michael Wall and you’ll learn SQL Server backup types, recovery ideas, recommended schedules, and ways to communicate with your team and business.
The presentation begins with a look at what backups and recoveries mean to:
Next up, who is responsible? Although often given to a junior staff member as a good way to ‘cut their teeth’ in the environment and learn the business drivers, the best practice is for junior and senior DBAs as well as the business work together. Michael will discuss the key points in this ‘team’ process.
This deep dive webinar covers types of system and database backups including Azure backups in Azure SQL Database and SQL Server on Azure VM. It also covers:
You’ll even get a helpful checklist of all the important steps/best practices for backup and recovery to keep in mind while setting up this critical plan for your business. Watch the complete webinar below. To view the presenter’s slides, click here.
We get it, your DBA team is overworked and unable to keep up with 24/7 support of your databases. Our DBA Managed Services can provide your team with 24/7 remote DBA support, along with the DBA tools and resources that fit your budget and needs. Let our expert team take on the burden, so your team can focus on growing your business. Click below to learn more.
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