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Getting Past Azure Roadblocks

Getting Past Azure Roadblocks

Getting Past Azure Roadblocks (1)

Are you ready to move to the cloud? What’s stopping you? Many people want to make the move to Azure, but encounter common roadblocks. I sat down with Consulting Sales Manager, Matt Dunn, to discuss some of the roadblocks he hears from customers when we start talking about making the move.

The biggest roadblock for many is just getting started. The process seems daunting and they are already engulfed by their every day processes. Even the thought of completely changing their processes is overwhelming.

The second common roadblock is “people”. Not only are organizations used to managing their people in a particular way, but those people are used to doing their processes in the way they are familiar and comfortable with. So, it’s a complete upheaval of people and processes for everybody, which is a lot to wrap their heads around.

What advice does Matt give to help people with these roadblocks and how we can help them? In the short term, it’s going to be a transition, but in the long run, it’s going to save a lot of time and effort. Making the move will free up space and the overall gains far outweigh the initial pains.

We’ve worked with many of our over 7,000 customers on design sessions around these concerns. We focus on the ways we can help people to make the move, and it’s not always about getting everything up there in the beginning. It helps to have a partner, like Pragmatic Works, to work with your team to help learn and make implementation a success.

If you want to learn more about how we can help you get past any roadblocks you have and to move forward with your Azure implementation, click the link below to start a discussion with us – we’d love to help.

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